Our core mission at Shiftlab is to support individuals, teams and groups to become more resilient, healthy and happy. At the centre of this is creating fun, inspiring experiences for individuals, it’s what we call ‘creating awesome in our lives’.

Through lived experiences, we’ll help you to understand your triggers and equip you with techniques to respond to these events and return to your flow state - becoming stronger as a result of experience. Join us to create a new personal reality, working together to close the gap between thinking about making change in your life, and actually doing it. 

The key to leading a fulfilling life is knowing where you are and where you want to be. Our training systems and one-on-one coaching will help you get there through understanding the potential that is available to you, enabling you to create a healthy life filled with purpose, meaning and vitality. Whether that means personal growth, achieving in business, reimagining your relationship or discovering your true self. 

Our Approach

Immersion in our programs will leave individuals and teams equipped with the tools and resources to empower them to take charge of their health.

“Whatever you can do or dream you can do, begin in. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.” - Goethe

our model

At ShiftLab, we’ve built a proven delivery model around wellness, incorporating a high-touch, high-tech approach. Our programs revolve around our Wellness Coaching model, delivered through a pilot program, bespoke to your organisation, across 12 weeks. 

our results

Our programs are designed around five Wellness Pillars. We then use ten wellness indicators to assess an individual or teams ‘wellness index’, typically seeing an average of a 30% improvement across these key areas on completion of the program.